Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Two Movies

Into the Wild
This movie is a movie that is based of a true story and it follows the life of a man who is sick of society therefore leaves to find Alaska. The narrative in this movie is different from most blockbuster movies. The reasons are because it is a true story therefore it doesn't follow the narrative part for part, but it still contains the introduction, problem and climax. The narrative follows as he leave's society with no money and no connections to his destination. He is faced with several problems along the journey and even at Alaska and there are several climaxes e.g when he has a decision to stay at a hippie community and when he is about to face death. The reason why this movie kept people from watching was because it was so unreal that it couldn't have been a true story and also how I could relate to the character and feel inspired by his actions.

American History X
This has been a movie that has been on my to watch list for a very long time, and it was definitely worth the wait. This movie was amazing, the plot was so intense and deep therefore kept me attached. The narrative was the cliché 3 part narrative, acts, problem and the climax. The narrative isn't the binder to the movie but the plot it self because it is about a white supremacist. This movie is so different because the character is so intense and is so brutal, and also how well the actor (Edward Norton) makes the character so believable. The character development in this movie is very exciting and there are several characters that impacted the film ( Such as the White Supremacist group and how hell bent they are on destroying every other race) Also the events that occur in the movie are so intense that you can't help but look. Also the topic was a very good topic to make a movie on, which was racism and they focused on the extremist of all racists portrayed a beautiful movie on it which is American History X.

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